Small penis size linked to infertility


According to researchers at the University of Utah  infertile men have shorter penises than those without reproductive issues. . It is believed that this is the first study that establishes the link between fertility and penis length.

According to the US Department of Health, infertility is defined as if a couple can not get pregnant after one year of unprotected intercourse.

Researchers measured the length of 815 men’s genitals who attended a facility clinic in Denver, Colorado.

This was done over the course of three years.

Fertile men had an average erect length of 5.27inches while those who were infertile measured 4.92inches comparatively which means that men with Micro penis (between 1.1 to 1.6 inches) my have an especially hard time fathering children.

The participants underwent a test known as the stretched penis length which is used to approximate the length of the organ when it is upright. Age, weight and race of a man were also considered by the team.

Colin Stewart


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